My favorite art form is drawing. I spent my early life creating photo realism but when I went to art school, I discovered all the fun in doing other types of drawing. Our professors did the right things and exposed us to many different styles and ways to create. These are examples of drawings I made in beginning drawing classes.
Life drawing classes were my favorite classes. Having a live model in front of you is a very special experience. A moving object, a real life human being, just there so that you can observe the way our skin folds over muscles and bones. I love it so much. I spent the whole first year at the university drawing the human form and I never stopped after that. Whenever I could take a class, I took it.
We were challenged by our professors in fun ways, and I love challenges.
"Do not lift you pencils while drawing", or "Use only these random colors", or "Do not look at the paper while drawing".
The brain learns after a while, the hands start communicating with the brain and the eyes in an amazing way. You do not really need to look after a while, you just focus on the model in front of you and the hands draw on the paper.
Drawing is intimate and fast and easy and this is why I love it. No preparations, no cleaning, and the fastest way from brain to hand. Drawing will always be my passion.
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